Cross country | Winter 2012
A project that explores the common ground in recent work by Luke Elwes, Andrew Vass and Kate Palmer. Broadbent Gallery London, 29th November to 15 December 2012
Palimpsest 2012 114x143cm
Cross Country explores the subtle graphic and spatial interplay between the work of three artists who each recover, through the cryptic tracery of lines and marks, crossings and erasures, the tactile experience and remembered contours of their chosen territory.
Luke Elwes extends through his new work on paper an enquiry into the mind as landscape and how mark making becomes a means of crossing it. The process mirrors the atmospheric conditions, and the rise and fall of tidal water over variegated ground. The images shift through time as the elements in play emerge and submerge within this field, producing a tension between what floats above and what lies beneath the surface.